How to create content for a month in 3 days

Today I will introduce you to the secret of content creation, especially batch creation. This will safe you so much time and reduce a lot of the stress businesses experience when they worry each day about what to post. Batch creation for me consist of 3 phases.

  • planning content

  • creating content

  • scheduling content

Let’s get started and take a look at each phase.

Planning content

Before you start creating you need to know what content you want and need. Map out what themes you want to present for the following month and what kind of photos, videos, quotes, etc you want for it. I recommend you using a content calendar so you have a great overview. As an example lets imagine you are a sustainable brand that sells reusable water bottles made from metal. You are actively educating your followers about plastic waste. Your content calendar could look like this:

Example content calendar

Example content calendar

Then you will plan one day to create all photos and videos. For that day you should have a document or list of what photos and videos you want. Write down what you need and where you will shoot it.
Let’s continue with our recent example of water bottles. Your document can look like this:

Example of a content plan for a shooting day

Example of a content plan for a shooting day

Remember to take product photos, but also add people in your shootings so you can show how to use your products. Its always easier for a person to create a connection when they see a human being instead of just products.

Creating content

Your content creation should take around 3 days.

  • Day1: Take all your photos and videos.

  • Day2: Create quotes, memes, edit your photos and videos.

  • Day3: Write all your copy for the following month and the created content.

You can also write copy without having the content ready. The most important thing to remember is to mute your mail and really focus on one thing at a time. Trying to create, edit and post in one day will take you much more time than batch creation.

When working with a social media manager you will only be working Day 1. Editing, creation quotes and graphics and writing copy can be done by your social media manager. In my social media management packages those 2 days are included.

Scheduling content

Now you take your content and create a visually pleasing feed in an app like Planoly, Later, Preview or Tailwind. You can play around with it until you really like it, but don’t spend too much time. Underneath you can see an example of my own feed planning. On posts where you see the Instagram logo in the down right corner, that content is already on my instagram. The rest is seen for the days ahead.

Feed preview in Preview App

Feed preview in Preview App

In the same app you can then add your written copy, add hashtags and schedule them for the coming weeks. I suggest you to schedule at least 2-3 weeks ahead, so you have then time to focus on other tasks such as community management, outreach and engagement.

Here as well, a social media manager schedules the content for you, researches the best hashtag strategy and adds the copy he or she has written for you.

It’s your turn!

Are you ready to up your game? Remember to be focusing strictly on one task at a time, otherwise you will get lost. Feel free to book a free 30 minute discovery call if you want professional help with your social media.


The 3 types of content you need


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